Antonieta Contreras
Psychotherapist, AUTHOR, supervisor, consultant, coach

The brain is the most complex organ in the universe.
It has 100 BILLION neurons (nerve or brain cells) and TRILLIONS of connections to other cells, maybe averaging about 5,000 connections per neuron –called synapses– like having 500 trillion microprocessors wired together in a network. When a neuron fires, that excites or inhibits its receiving neurons. Basically, the sum of all the signals a neuron receives determines whether it will fire and send the message.
It is thought to have more connections in our brain than there are stars in the universe!
We need and use all of our brain –although we aren’t using every single neuron at every moment. Brain optimization has to do with the number of connections among regions of the brain. The more connections, the better use of our brain.
When the brain is healthy you have more brain reserve, which helps you recover from stress and injury, and also helps protect you from developing all sorts of problems like dementia, diabetes, personality disorders, anxiety to name a few.
The brain has the ability to physically and functionally rearrange and regulate itself in response to the right stimulation. Instead of rehearsing negative moods, memories, words, concepts, and assumptions, our approach helps re-programming perception and recovering the enjoyment of life.
Training the brain to function at its best optimizes cognitive capacity, improves decision making, motivation, and regulates the diverse functions of your system.
Training the brain allows all the nervous system to operate more efficiently by letting go of ways of being that are not useful and actually, have become undesirable.
Training your brain to function at its best optimizes cognitive capacity, improves decision making, motivation, and regulation, and help neurons to connect and re-connect in healthy and efficient ways that restablishes balance.
The human brain can process information as fast as 268 mph; Neurons typically fire 5-50 times a second, with millions and even billions of them pulsing together.
There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the brain;
Each person has about 70,000 thoughts a day, 50% in words and 50% in images
While awake, a human brain can generate enough energy to power a light bulb (between 10-23 watts);
The brain is always “on,” with billions of neurons firing every minute in order to keep the body alive and ready for urgent needs.
Even though your brain is just 2-3% of your weight, it uses about 20-25% of the oxygen and glucose circulating in your blood.​

The brain is very delicate:
It weighs about 3 pounds;
It’s the texture of jello or egg whites;
The brain is estimated to be about 60% fat (making it the fattest organ);
The skull is very hard in order to protect the brain, but the boney ridges inside the skull can cause damage when the head gets hit.
Loreta z-Scores
Infraslow fluctuation (ISF)
What does it mean for you?